Healing from the Heart of Christ
Curatio* strives to strengthen healthcare professionals to grow in holiness, to be what we are called by God to be.*Curatio is Latin for healing.
About Curatio

The ultimate goal of the Curatio Apostolate; events, liturgical and otherwise, is to help sanctify healthcare workers in their daily duties, so that like Saint Paul, they can “put on Christ,” love Jesus more, and bring the heart and mercy of Our Savior to their patients and peers.
Curatio Apostolate exists to help integrate our faith with our professional responsibilities. We strive for holiness in caring for the sick, to see Christ in our patients and co-workers, living our faith fully, both at home and in our work. We strive to restore the sacred dimension of healthcare, our vocation, the dignity of the human person, and the power of prayer and service to others. We sponsor educational programs, grounded in Church teaching, that serve as a guide for dialogue on the ethical issues facing our profession. We pray for our co-workers and patients, building a community of prayer centered on Christ. Overall, Curatio attempts to strengthen medical professionals to be what we are called by God to be, and perhaps one day to restore medicine to its Christian roots.
I have come to know Curatio as a vibrant apostolate in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. I am grateful for the support that it offers to Catholic health care professionals striving, as Pope Francis has challenged, to be ‘hands, arms and hearts which help God to perform his miracles.’ Rooting its members in prayer and leading them to the Heart of Christ, Curatio offers a powerful witness to the Gospel of Life, articulated for our age by Saint John Paul II and embraced heroically by Curatio’s heavenly patron, St. Gianna Beretta Molla.
Curatio helps Catholics who work in health care to live out their call
to holiness in the day to day circumstances of their lives. Not only
does Curatio support those in the medical profession to be faithful
Catholics, but they also help them to deepen their spiritual lives. I am
grateful for all that Curatio does to bring Gospel of Life into all aspects
of their work in caring for the sick and suffering. They are a blessing in
the lives of many.
“Curatio provides….
† Faith formation, liturgical celebrations, spiritual retreats
† A vision for life & health that allows our profession, vocation & mission to be mutually integrated
† Intellectual engagement with professors, bioethicist, clergy
† Coffeehouse presentations with moderated Q & A for Curatio members
† A newsletter of timely updates, events and perspectives
† A forum for networking with like-minded Catholic healthcare professionals
† Curatio Prayer Responders “CPR” team that prays for your intentions with holy hours, prayers & rosaries
† An understanding of The Charter for Healthcare & other Catholic sources to faithfully confront ethical dilemmas in health care
† Annual lenten retreat & luncheon at Little Sisters of the Poor
† Annual fall weekend retreat at Buffalo lake Christ the King Center
† Monthly Adoration & Benediction for Curatio members at Sacred Heart Parish
† Holy Mass offered by our Chaplain, for Curatio’s intentions, on the First Friday of the Month
† Annual Curatio member Christmas caroling in care centers or hospitals
† Feast Day Celebrations of St. Gianna Molla and The Sacred Heart of Jesus
† Co-sponsorship of conferences with CMA & other groups on topics relevant to healthcare & faith
† Co-sponsorship in the Archdiocese of St Paul/Minneapolis, with the Order of Malta, for the annual World Day of the Sick & the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our current state of healthcare reminds us of the need for unceasing prayer & the need for courageous healthcare workers to be the hands and feet of Christ. Curatio strives to spirituality lift & nourish health workers to stay the course & continue Curatio ex Corde Christi; Healing from the Heart of Christ.
May you be abundantly blessed!
Lenten Retreat – God Alone Heals
Curatio's Lenten Half-Day Retreat God Alone Heals with Deacon Patrick Spencer Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 8:00 AM to 1:15 AM(includes light continental breakfast and catered lunch) Location Epiphany Catholic Church1900 111th Avenue NWCoon Rapids, MN 55433 Register...
World Day of the Sick
32nd Annual World Day of Sick Mass and Reception Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Edina MN Saturday February 8th at 10:00 AM You’re invited to 32nd Annual World Day of Sick Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael Izen and concelebrated with Hospital Chaplain priests! A...
Save the Dates – 2025
Come Renew Your Spirit Annual World Day of the Sick Saturday, February 8thMass with Bishop Izen.Blessing with OL Lourdes France Holy water by Order of MaltaReception with reflection by Dr. Todd Flanders10:00 am - 12:00 pm at Our Lady of Grace, Edina, MN Annual Lenten...
Instruments of healing
Profession, vocation and mission meet and, in the Christian vision of life and health, they are mutually integrated.
Being Christ to Others
As we restore our relationship with the sick to one of solidarity and compassion, we respect the inherent dignity of the human person.
Good Samaritans
Like the Good Samaritan we care for our ‘neighbor in need” seeing Christ in others and being Christ for others.
St. Gianna our patron
We celebrate St. Gianna as a witness to the Gospel of Life, with prayer and fellowship on her Feast Day.
First Fridays

The First Friday of every month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and vitally important to us.
In Curatio, our mission and vision in health care is “Healing from the Heart of Christ.” Prayer and developing a loving relationship with Christ is foundational to our apostolate. Curatio’s Chaplain offers Mass for the intentions and for the mission of Curatio each First Friday.
Everyone is welcome to join us each month for an Holy Hour followed by Benediction on the Thursday prior to First Friday.
Check the Curatio Monthly Newletter for time and location each month.
About Curatio
Curatio Apostolate exists to help integrate our faith with our professional responsibilities. Learn More