2022 Lenten Retreat

Welcome Father Christopher Collins
Vice President for Mission at University of St.Thomas (UST)
- Fr. Collins earned a BA in Philosophy from UST, an MA in History from St. Louis University, a Master’s of Divinity and Licentiate from Weston Jesuit School of Theology, and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from Boston College.
- He was Faculty at St. Louis University in Theological Studies & was the Director of Catholic Studies Program.
- His publications include Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus (Ave Maria Press, 2014) and more.
Half-Day Retreat Schedule
The Retreat starts with Mass at 8:30AM in the UST Florence Chapel (lower level) followed by a light breakfast, talks, Stations of the Cross and a catered lunch.
Retreat Address
University of St. Thomas
Iverson Center for Faith LL
16 2115 Summit Ave
St Paul, MN 55105
(located west side of Cleveland, north of Summit Ave)
The most convenient and closest parking is at the new Tommie East Residence Hall Parking ramp, which has indoor access to the retreat location at the Iverson Center. This ramp is located off Cleveland Ave between Ashland and Portland Avenues. Parking is $1.50 per hour.
See link below for a map of the University of St. Thomas campus which shows the Iversen Center of Faith (#10 is ICF) on the map.
Tommie East Residence building is (# 8) on the map and the ramp ($) is next to it.
Another option is to park for free in the Anderson Parking Facility (#65) located on south campus on the corner of Grand and Cretin Avenues, however this is a longer walk outdoors.
$45 / person
$15 / students
Registration deadline is March 14th!
Questions or gluten free requests email [email protected]