Curatio: How It Helps Me Personally
When we were first forming the charism of Curatio, we spoke of ways to bring Christ to our work in health care. I explored the idea of going to the hospital about 10-15 minutes before my shift started and praying in our chapel for my co-workers, patients and visitors who I would encounter throughout the night. On my first visit, I found that there were no religious symbols inside the chapel. As I left the chapel, I realized that in a hospital bereft of any religion, I needed to be Christ to those I encountered.
— MaryAnne Frank, RN, Parish Nurse
Curatio has provided a haven of support for me personally and professionally . . . From having ready recommendations to seek legal advice for my dying mother, to providing spiritual growth opportunities with retreats and holy hours, for a ready ear and open heart to accept prayer intentions 24/7, for learning about medical ethical issues at various conferences Curatio pro- vides, to having been blessed with relationships rich in faith, and the joy of being able to share the joyful and sorrowful mysteries of life with others who share the same faith values and understand the challenge of living faith freely in the secular world by transforming it with His Presence.
— Lynn Kemmentmueller, Hospice RN
Curatio over the years, has been an opening to a floodgate of graces that sustains us in our vocations and in life! We’ve enjoyed: prayerful reflections, sacraments, great conversations,friendships, inspiration and confidence to persevere with greater holiness.
— Mitch Morey, MD
— Christin Morey RN, CNP
As a Catholic and a registered nurse in today’s world, I’ve found great solace and support in Curatio. They provide true Catholic teaching and spiritual direction through their retreats and seminars, regular e-mail updates and newsletters. I’m grateful that Curatio is a faithful, steady voice in the sometimes very stormy seas of our changing healthcare culture.
— — Deanne Wessel, RN
Curatio has been a major lifeline for me since residency. The retreats are wonderfully uplifting and filled with the Holy Spirit! It allows me to rest withJesus Christ the divine physician!
— Kim Bigelow, MD
Christ calls . . . I respond. He says, ‘Come follow me.’ I say, ‘Lord, the world is broken. So much suffering and pain and the abuse of the human person. I can’t help you. I am too weak, too selfish, so great a sinner.’ The Lord replies, ‘My grace is enough for you. Come follow me. Come into the garden with me. Help me carry my cross so I can perfect you with my love. Let those you care for see my face, feel my hands, and hear my voice when you care for them. This will help me save souls, and especially yours.’ Okay Lord, if you ask me, I will follow you. This path was shown to me in Curatio. Curatio helps me to sanctify my life and be Christ to those I care for. Thank you Father for this apostolate!
— Patrick J.S., NP
Curatio, for me, means mercy in action (annual Mass for the World Day of the Sick & Christmas caroling at Benedictine Center). In Curatio, I benefit from a ‘Catholic family’ of medical peers, where we encourage one another to think and operate as authentically Catholic health providers.
— Naomi H, Public School RN
All life should be respected from natural conception to natural death. Curatio, knowing this is the guidance the Catholic Church has given us, helps me to understand this truth and to bring it back to my workplace.
— Georgina Minwegen, RN
When I attended my first Curatio retreat several years ago I was hesitant, not knowing what to expect, but was amazed as to the closeness that I felt with Jesus and his Mother Mary. Another special bond was with the participants. My faith had grown stronger because of Curatio and my experience has strengthened my ministry to others. I feel blessed to be able to be a part of Curatio. The yearly silent retreat refuels me to continue in my work as a Faith Community Nurse.
— Deborah Mahoney, RN, Faith Community
Thank you for the beautiful gift you gave me in Curatio during my time in medical school! It has given me a strong foundation and hope for the service in the name of Jesus that is so needed in our world today.
— Elizabeth Gorecki, MD
The cliché response to why a person works in healthcare is because they love people and science. Curatio apostolate has helped me understand more thoroughly what loving people as a Catholic healthcare professional means. With emphasis on prayer and frequent participation in the Sacraments, I have found the ability to unite my healing craft with Christ who lifts up both the health care professional and the patient emphasizing our inherent dignity. Curatio keeps me in tune to the ethical challenges of today and to utilize natural law scientific reasoning and Apologetics to better form my loving response to real time crises. Healthcare is ultimately about Love as is our faith.
Thank you Curatio Apostolate for helping me to keep my beautiful vocation centered in Love!
— Teresa Tawil, NP, President of Curatio
As a medical transcriptionist, I have had an eye-opening view of the health care world from a very unique perspective; sometimes health care professionals forget that there is a person on the other end of the dictation system and that they are being recorded when they state their personal views. As a Catholic in the medical field, I have been acutely aware of the need for prayer and the necessity for us to bear witness to the tenets of our faith: respect for human life from conception to natural death, the dignity of the human person, and trust that God’s plan is bigger than our own. Curatio provides valuable support and encouragement to Catholic health care professionals and it is a great blessing!
— Judy Rodriquez
I so appreciate Curatio’s presence in this Archdiocese to support health care workers in today’s culture. May God continue to bless this ministry!
— Nancy Shatek-Suek RN, Pastoral Care Coordinator
At the bedside of a dying patient, when everyone present has been emptied of all words, laughter, tears and fears, in that silence . . . the Light of Christ grows brighter, giving strength to all to go forward in hope. It is this Light of Christ that I have seen in the joyful members of Curatio in every encounter. They have renewed, encouraged, and inspired me to continue in the ministry of Hospice Music Therapy.
— Rick Dzurik
Curatio Events & News
Mass, Meet, and Munch
Mass, Meet & Munch April 12, 2025 Attend 8:30am Mass with other Catholic in Healthcare and stay for discussion & munchies. Location St. John the Baptist Catholic ChurchNew Brighton, MN Matthew Paquette MD from AALFA will be leading a discussion on his book...
Mass Intentions
Every First Friday Curatio’s Chaplain Father Allan Paul Eilen offers Mass for the intentions and for the mission of Curatio. If you have any prayer request email [email protected] and Father will include those intentions. We have Curatio members who offer a Holy Hour one day a week for Curatio- they also will include your prayer intentions.
Contact Curatio
Email: [email protected]