Curatio Prayers

Sacred Heart
Celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart with Curatio! Our Vocation to stay at the foot of The Cross, can only be maintained in constant prayerfulness. Please support our humble apostolate, as we strive to glorify The Body of Christ.
O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessings,
I adore you, I love you and with a lively sorry for my sins.
I offer you this poor heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions; give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs,
your blessings on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Within your heart I place my every care.
In every need let me come to you with humble trust saying,
Heart of Jesus, help me.

Divine Mercy Chaplet
Prayed on ordinary rosary beads, The Chaplet of The Divine Mercy is an intercessory prayer that extends the offering of the Eucharist. It is appropriate to pray the Chaplet during the “Hour of Great Mercy” – three o’clock each afternoon (recalling the time of Christ’s death on the cross). In His revelations to St. Faustina, Our Lord asked for a special remembrance of His Passion at the hour.
Learn how to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet here.
Curatio Prayers

Dear Lord in your mercy,
- We come to you today begging for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be poured out on each and every one of us as we care for our patients. Settle us down from our busy day and lives. Unite us in prayer and purpose so that we no longer see our individual needs but Your most Holy will for us today. Quiet us so that in being your instruments of this important work of healing we may be true to your purpose and gain souls for You for an eternity. Let our minds and thoughts be filled with your charity and love so that the mission and vision of Curatio will bear much fruit. Through the intercession of our Blessed Lady, Mother of all who suffer, all the angels and saints we humbly offer these few moments of silence before we begin our work. Hail Mary…
- Modern medical science and technology can sometimes overwhelm both patients and health care workers. Through the tenderness of the Heart of Christ and through the intercession of St Gianna may health care workers be given the grace to take the time to be present and treat each patient as persons made in God’s image and likeness and made for an eternal purpose of His love. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- Lord, in St Gianna you have given us one who witnessed to the Gospel of Life as a young woman, as a wife, a mother, and a doctor. Grant all of us, through her intercession the strength, wisdom, grace and courage to place ourselves at the service of each person we meet in our personal, family and professional lives, so we can grow in love and holiness. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- Lord, may all health care workers be open to Christ’s special grace and to see in both co-workers and the sick the Face of Christ and to know His love. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- Lord, St Gianna was devoted to you in the Eucharist. Her apostolic action and heroic purity to accept the gifts of life and children were Your gifts of love, may all here present especially those women who are pregnant be granted the graces through the heart of Christ and sacraments of the Church to imitate her virtues and strive for holiness ourselves. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- For patients who suffer the anxiety and uncertainty that comes with a terminal and chronic illness to know that God’s love and mercy for them is for an eternity. May all who face this trial feel the comfort of Our Lady’s motherly love. Tender heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- Please encourage the members of the Apostolate of Curatio and Chaplain to remain at the foot of the cross in order to lift all patients in their care to Christ’s merciful heart, thereby assisting Catholics to receive the grace of the sacraments and all others to trust in God’s great and tender mercy on their journey home to the Lord. Suffering heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- God Our Father, as the first quality of love, teach us all to grow in the virtue of Patience in human illness. Your Son accepted our sufferings- hear the prayers we now offer for our sick bothers and sisters. Let all who suffer pain, illness and disease realize they are called/chosen to be saints by uniting their sufferings to Christ and His cross for the salvation of the world. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- Lord, we humbly stand with the Roman soldier admitting our littleness in this, Your apostolate, in saying, I do believe, help my unbelief, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- Lord you have showered us with many gifts to support this apostolate through the generosity of our benefactors. May God richly reward them. Glory be…
About Curatio
Curatio Apostolate exists to help integrate our faith with our professional responsibilities. Learn More