Latest Resources
Curatio Retreat 2020 Testimony
Soul of the Apostolate
Bishop Robert Vasa Check out this series of talks given by Bishop Robert Vasa.
Faith & Medicine
Watch Dr. Tod Warner's talk on Faith & Medicine from Match 5th, 2020.
Miles to Go
+JMJ+ “Miles to Go” One of my most cherished poems during this time year, especially during my favorite liturgical season leading up to Christmas, is the one by Robert Frost: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. “Now, what could this possibly do with...
Curatio Apostolate History Slideshow
Catholic Bioethics & Health Care Ministry
+JMJ+ Part I: A Brief History of Being Ministers of Body & Soul By Sydney Michelle Therese March, BLA-Th, RN, BSN, PHN, MSB In the month of February, we have many opportunities to use the examples that Holy Mother Church gives us as beautiful models for...
World Day of the Sick 2020 Reception
Thank you all for being here. First of all, I want to thank Teresa, Dianne and Sue of Curatio for this invitation to be here. I want to thank Archbishop Hebda and Father Moriarty for their hospitality and their celebrating this incredible Mass surrounding the World...
Being a Catholic Witness in Healthcare
+JMJ+ Being a Catholic Witness in Healthcare: Practicing Truth and Love By Mrs. Sydney Michelle Therese March, BLA-Th, BSN, RN, PHN, MSB For the healthcare professional today, it would seem we live in very frightening times. Conscience rights are continuously being...
I See You (Newsletter 01/2023)
Usually, I try to write a piece for the Curatio Newsletter that develops some philosophical argument on a moral issue. But a recent experience has left me reflecting on the difficulties faced daily by caretakers of the sick or elderly, and the vital importance of...
Lenten Reflection
How the Priority of Prayer Helps Us Be Present in Healthcare How can I work in healthcare and “be” in the world and not “of” the world? Pope Benedict in an address to the youth "The Secret of a Vocation Lies in the Relationship with God” in Sulmona, Italy on July 5,...
Curatio on Caffeine 01/09/20 Recap
Dr. Tod Worner January 9, 2020 I just want to say thank you to Dianne and to all of you for being so welcoming and warm, to have me be a part of Curatio to speak. You know, the intermarriage of our Catholic faith and then the calling to be healers is something that...
Curatio Event Transcripts
Wounded Hearts Love Best 2020
First Reflection | Second Reflection | Third Reflection | Fifth Reflection | Friday Homily | Saturday Homily | Sunday Homily Curatio Retreat 2020 “Wounded Hearts Love Best” Father Justin Kizewski September 25-27 First Reflection – Friday Evening “Wounded, I will never...
World Day of the Sick Homily
Archbishop Bernard Hebda Homily A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John: There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus...
World Day of the Sick 2018 Homily
Fr. Robert Altier – World Day of the Sick February 11, 2018 So the topic I was asked to cover this morning is redemptive suffering. That may sound foreign to many because suffering, as Americans, is an evil that we recognize as something to be avoided at all...
Half-Day Retreat – March 2020
Homily | Morning Conference Fr. Marcus Milless Homily Gospel Reading (Matthew 5:43-48): Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who...
World Day of the Sick 2019 (Fr. Milless)
Fr. Marcus Milless World Day of the Sick 2019 Well, thank you all for coming. It’s such a joy to be with all of you, who care for the sick and suffering and also those who are sick. It’s a great act of humility that you’re here, and we know that the Holy...
World Day of the Sick 2007 Homily
Fr. Joseph Johnson Homily – World Day of the Sick “Health Care for Body and Soul” A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke: Jesus told His disciples a parable. Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No...
World Day of the Sick 2020 Homily
Archbishop Bernard Hebda Homily World Day of the Sick 2020 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John: There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine...
World Day of the Sick 2019 Homily
Bishop Andrew Cozzens World Day of the Sick 2019 “Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplacesand begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed.” When we see Gospel...
Listen to selected talks given at the Curatio Retreat Healing from the Heart of Christ (Feast of St. Gianna):
Father Rolf Tollefson: Homily for Feast of St. Gianna and Curatio Retreat
Father Jim Livingston: Reflections from Pope John Paul II’s Salfici Deloris on Suffering
Steve Hoffman: Meditation on Eucharistic Gaze on the Sick
Pope Francis
May 17, 2019 Pope Francis Speech to Association of Catholic Healthcare Workers
Church Documents on Health Care:
Salvifici Doloris – John Paul II (Apostolic Letter on the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering)
Dolentium Hominum – John Paul II (Establishing the Pontifical Commission for the Apostolate of Health Care Workers)
Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care
Catholic response to New Age in healthcare
Advanced Directives:
Minnesota Catholic Healthcare Directive Guide
Minnesota Catholic Healthcare Directive
Principle of the Double Effect
Charter for Health Care Workers
National Catholic Bioethics Center
Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis
The New Charter for Health Care Workers
End of Life Resources
The Rediscover: Hour
Hear from Monsignor James Patrick Shea and Dianne Johnson on Curatio, and its retreat for medical professionals.
Renewing a Holy Death
By Professor Brugger 10/25/2015
Mary Reichardt On Blessed The Blessed Virgin Compared to the Air We Breathe
Dr. Mary Reichardt holds a Ph.D. in literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has been a professor at the University of St. Thomas, in the English and Catholic Studies departments, since 1988 and currently is an administrator in the Center for Faculty Development. She has published fourteen books, including four on Catholic literature (Exploring Catholic Literature; Catholic Women Writers; Encyclopedia of Catholic Literature; Between Human and Divine: The Catholic Vision in Contemporary Literature) and has edited a number of volumes in the critical literature series for Ignatius Press.
Listen to Mary Reichardt below:
Blessed Mary Compared to the air we Breathe
Audio PlayerAbout Curatio
Curatio Apostolate exists to help integrate our faith with our professional responsibilities. Learn More